Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Recovering (a bit)...

On a low level, I am recovering. Acutally I don't want to make a comparison with Michael Schumacher (is too serious), but it describes my situacion quiet well. With my betting I was or let's better I am so low like he with his life :-(. It seems he makes small steps forward (thanks god!) and I am also recovering a bit.

Lately I liked especially basketball. I feel me more comfortable with it as with tennis. You are not so extradited to one player. On the other hand the swings are more or less the same. Actually I am even more confident that a strong favourite or a leader will have a weak period during a match than in tennis. I have no stats, but it seems that is pretty rare that one basketballteam wins all four periods. In tennis I saw too much games where a player didn't hit a ball during the whole match. The advantage of tennis are the higher amount of games, the duration of season and of course the lidquidity.

... but it doesn't mean that I will stop to trade tennis. There is too much I can learn of my teacher Sultan. Like I wrote in my last post, for me is great to have now more diversity. The pressure to find value at tennis is lower, because in basketball I will find it almost for sure. Since I am trading it was no night without great swings. Like me friend told, the charts are looking like the Swiss alps :-)

Well, the profit is not looking that spectacular at the moment. On the other hand I made with basketball in only a few days around a 1/3 of my account. I don't say that I can scale up this to a 100'000 Euros account (would be over 30'000 Euros), but I think there is some potential. The liquidity is quiet okay, i think factor 10 is more than realistic. A trader should not talk about numbers, but let's do a small forecast. If I can do 18 Euros in two days, it's in one month 270 Euros. With factor 10 would be 2'700 Euros... Let's dream :-)  Beside some tennis and football, so the target to become a full time trader would be almost reached. Unfortunately life in Switzerland is quiet expensive...

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Blow my account...

Which trader doesn't know this feeling?! After a lost bet you like to regain the money. You make stupid moves and in the end you blow (almost) your whole account. Yes, it happened to me. I like to be honest with you and should be a lesson for the future.

Well, 2013 was a year  to learn. In the end was very disappointing, but was more because my lacking discipline and not because strategies don't work. I have to keep the positive aspects from this year. I learned to trade soccer, tennis and since some days I am drilled about NBA. Amazing how quick the momentum can change! In just two days I saw two or three 1.02 odds which were (almost) blown.

In soccer I trade mainly pre game, but is harder than I thought. You need large sums of money to make some bucks. The trends are not always that clear. Sometimes a market maker destroys your efforts. Well, I keep this strategy, but I prefer to focus on tennis and basketball.

At tennis I try to learn more of Sultan. He is a great teacher. Lately I was more patient, not make a trade just because. You have to find value. Is better not to trade as losing money. Thanks to NBA I am not forced to make for heaven's sake a trade. I have more diversity now and can wait for the right opportunity (in the night).

Well at the moment I have to work with a very small account (around 50 Euro). It's boon and bane at the same time. At one side it's frustrating to trade with small amounts. On the oder side is great to learn strategies with less money, because is not that risky.

We will see, what 2014 will bring. It's an important year for me because I am starting a new job with 50% workload. The oder time I try to trade sportsmarkets. I hope I can trade as soon as possible again with more money. If I have more discipliny I will not blow again my account. This is the main point I have to improve... losing some trades is just normal, so I have to learn to accept that betting is not a one-way street.

I wish all my readers a very successful 2014. I hope all your wishes will come true. I will keep you informed about my thoughts about trading and my progress.

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Back from holiday

I wish to all blog readers merry christmas. Hope you enjoy these days with your families and get energy for next year. Like I wrote in last post, I was three weeks in South America. I visited Cancun and  Santo Domingo. Especially Mexico was great to make party, to forget about daily routine.

But let's face it... 2014 will be a very important year for me. I decided to quit my good paid job as a financial controller for giving a try with self employed work. One of them is trading! The other one is a capital investment after selling my appartment. Beside I work in part time employment as a financial officer in a small company. Different sources of income should create less daily routine and give hopefully a lot of happyness and more spare time.

Right now I am preparing for the next tennis season. I am quiet sure that I can do it a lot better than in the past. With the support of Sultan and the picks of Shark I have the necessary help on my side. With fooball trading I am already quiet comfortable. I implemented some strategies which works. Is a mix between pre game and inplay trading.

I will keep you informed regularly how the trades are going. I don't have a financial target for the year 2014. I only like to find trust to have an interesting 3th source income beside my regular job and the invested capital.

Tomorrow is boxing day. I hope to make some good trades with English football. For me it's the best league to bet thanks the high market liquidity.